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Our plans for this forum is a local newsletter. We hope to interview
local persons, review services in the area, offer hints or tips, and
offer other tidbits of general interest.
So far, we have not made much progress in this area. Unfortunately, I started playing with genealogy, and got "bit" by the bug! Seems as if I never get much of anything else done anymore.
If you would like to try your hand at the interviews or columns, feel
free to contact us.
Grade School thru Senior Citizen, all will be given consideration, as all have unique perspectives about their community.
E-mail: Arnett Services
Simple hints and tips for Windows95/98 and related software.
Topics of current interest. Possibly household hints and tips, gardening, farming, insect control.
Fixing Broken Windows 98
Did an installation of a new application mess things up on your computer? Are you now getting
error messages about a file missing or being changed? You've TRIED re-installing windows, but that didn't help?
Well, reinstalling Windows98 over itself will NOT write over the top of changed files and fix them.
Don't give up just yet, though. They DID provide a way you can go in and restore just one, or many files, from your original
Windows installation disk.
Overwriting a file with an older version MAY render another application useless. Try this at your own risk.
We will assume NO LIABILITY for any problems caused by your following these directions and/or overwriting files! Watch dates and files sizes CAREFULLY! Make sure you only replace files that are older than the file to be restored, unless you are ABSOLUTELY POSITIVE that the newer version is causing your problems!)
From the Start Button on your task bar:
Go to Programs.
Go to Accessories.
Go to System Tools.
Click on the System Information link.
This will open the System Information Window.
Once the System Information module is open:
Go to TOOLS on the top menu bar.
Scroll down System File Checker.
This will open another module:
System File Checker.
System File Checker initially gives you two options, to scan for altered files (files installed by windows installation only) or to restore one particular file from the Windows Installation Disk.
Check the radio button for "Scan for altered files". This will scan for and show EVERY file that has been changed in your windows files since you first installed it, or since you lasat ran System File Checker.
You do NOT want to restore every single file that has been changed. Only restore files that are an older date/version of the file, or files that System File Checker tells you are corrupt. Ignore other files that have been changed for now, unless you are POSITIVE you know what you are doing!
Hit CANCEL at any time to back out!
If your task bar disappears when using win95/win98, simply press the control and escape
buttons together on your keyboard. This should make the start menu pop-up to where you can see it.
To create a new icon on your desktop for an application already installed on your computer:
Right mouse click on any empty spot on your desktop. This will give you a menu. Click on "New". On the menu that opens, scroll to "Shortcut". This opens a dialogue box. Click the browse button, and look through the files on your harddrive. Locate the application you are searching for (if you are unsure where the files are, try Program Files/ and then look for the application you are searching for. Find the command line (.exe) file for the application you want the link to. Click on it to highlight it. Click open. Click Next. Click Finish. The new icon is now on your desktop.
If you want to remove your new link, just right mouse click ON the icon, Click delete.
We are not computing experts, but can answer some simple questions. If we cant answer,
perhaps one of our readers will know the answer and help. If you have questions, why not
leave them on the message board.
Possibities include reviews on local businesses, services, out of area
businesses that provide services of local interest.
AngRon Video
AngRon Video
written by Sherry Arnett
sophomore - GCHS
Finally! Just what Garden County needed! A movie store! AngRon, located at 206B Main, just opened on Feb 18th and is open 7 days a week from 1-9 p.m.
Owner Vicki Johnson has Big Plans in store for her new business. She said she plans to rent out games at some time and to have weekly specials. Also, she is arranging to have the Frito Lay and Pepsi companys supply snacks.
Vickie isn't the only one involved in the new business. Bonnie Dayley, Vickies mother, will also be helping run the store. They are not the only family that is involved with Vickie's new movie store. The name Ang Ron comes from her children Angela and Ronnie.
If you would like to rent a video cassette or DVD movie from AngRon, the prices are reasonable.
New releases run at $2.99 a day and old releases are about $1.49 per day.
Some specials right now are 3 movies for 3 days at a rate of $2.49 and 5 movies for 5 days are $4.49. When you rent 9 movies, the 10th one is free!
Also for rent is a new DVD player at $7.99 a night plus deposit.
If there is a movie you want to watch and don't see it, just make a request and Vickie will do her best to get it in. She also said if you would like to buy one, she will see what she can do.
To contact someone at AngRon, call (308) 772-0196 or email Vickie at
We hope no one is safe from our probing questions. We intend to interview
longtime residents, newcomers, business owners, employees, those who
provide services, those who go to school here, teachers, moms, dads,
... anyone who will stand still long enough to answer a few questions!
A little of this, a little of that.
Did you ever notice just how sociable a fly is? Seems that if one is in the room with you, it will want to come sit right on you, fly around you, be very near to you.
If there are two people in the room, it will try its best to keep both company, buzzing back and forth between them.
A fly is always ready to test taste your food for you. Throughout the ages, royalty had to have people to perform this dnagerous service for them, to keep from being poisoned, but the sociable fly is almost always willing to undertake the perilous task for you without even being asked!
Try going to sleep with one of these little socialites around. They will buzz around your head, talking to you. Light upon your face and hair, to keep you from sinking into that unalert state that slumber brings.
Going on a picnic? The fly will gladly sit inside of and guard your luncheon from dangerous preditors.
And of course, we must not forget how generous these small creatures are. Just stick a wad of chewing gum on the bedpost. For the few small tastes the fly will take, he will generously leave you samples from the last place he ate. (be that your kitchen, the pig pen, or the neighborhoods cat box) He is not selfish, and will leave you samples from any or all.
My next question may seem heartless in light all this generosity and sharing, but I would really like to know.
Is there any place in town that sells fly paper?
A fly? This early in the year?