Setting Up, Getting Ready, Taking Entries! |
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Open Class Entry Registration Table. Linda, Kae, and Jan

Checking in floral entries. Mary Lou, Gertrude, Helen, Emily, and Lisca

Checking in agricultural entries. Megan

Setting up for 4-H entries. Melinda and Terrie
4-H Competitions! |
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4-H Entry Registration Table. Carla

4-H Rabbit Show and Judging. Dustin waits his turn.

Jeannie and Katie watch as Marshal tends his sheep.

Washing and brushing animals is important in preparation for show.


The 4-H Auction

The 4-H Auction.
Carnival by the Teen Center! |
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The Teen Center sponsored a "carnival" for children of all ages.

Enjoying one of the games at the carnival.

The dunking tank.

A big splash.


Lining up.

Picking a prize!
The Sheriffs Department were great sports! |
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Things to See! |
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Things to Do! |
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Bingo game sponsored by the Lions Club.

Getting ready for the Big Turtle Race.

Getting the turtles in the ring for the race.

Spectators at the turtle race.

Hoof'n'Wheel Relay Race. A horse, a 4-wheeler, and a wheelbarrow.

Audience in the grandstands .

Playing in the Moon Walk.

Demo Derby.

Carl Acuff Show and Dance
The Quilt Show! |
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